Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CRM 4.0 CrmReportingException (rsExecutionNotFound)

Exception information:
Exception type: CrmReportingException
Exception message: Execution 'lrficj45gesmhz55xrmfcxuc' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)

The report server timezone was different than the CRM web server. Update timezone and resart SSRS.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

CRM 4.0 Web Mail Merge Macro Not Available

When using the MS CRM 4.0 web mail merge, the CRM button (macro) is not available once MS Word opens. This could be caused by a DNS resolution issue. In the case of a web farm, the client attempts to download the MS Word template that contains the macro from one of the server nodes by its DNS name. If each server name cannot be resolved by the client this issue may occur. To resolve this issue, add an entry to your local host file or have networking update the DNS catalog. To further diagnose the issue, use Fiddler while attempting to perform a mail merge and any DNS issues should be visble in Fiddler.

CRM 4.0 Web Mail merge filters out inactive records

A hotfix was released which included a new MSCRM DWORD registry entry to filter inactive mail merge records. To disable this filter see the following KB article.KB963054